Student Support
L.E.A.P. Learning, Experiences, Activities, and Projects is the name of the program available to gifted and talented students in grades 3 – 6. Selection of students is made based on standardized achievement and ability tests.
L.E.A.P. Program Homework Guidelines
- Students are responsible for understanding the concepts that are taught in their regular classes while they are in L.E.A.P.
- Work that is considered essential to make up will be available at the end of the day for L.E.A.P. students. It is the student’s responsibility to see his/her teacher(s), or assignment board, for that work before leaving school on L.E.A.P. day. In addition, a student may need to meet with his/her teacher(s) regarding missed activities in class.
- Students should have one day to complete missed assignments as if they had been absent for illness. (Example: If L.E.A.P. meets on Monday, assignments are due on Wednesday.) The exception is math, which is due the next day.
- Since L.E.A.P. students will always have advance notice of tests, they will be expected to take all tests as scheduled, except when tests take place on their L.E.A.P. day. Long-range projects should be turned in as scheduled.
Services of a guidance counselor are available to our school families. Students have an opportunity to receive guidance on an individual, small, or large group basis. The purpose is to help children grow emotionally, socially, and academically. Parents are encouraged to call the school counselor for an appointment whenever the need arises.
Second Step
Over the summer of 2014, OHLS school board approved Second Step, a social-emotional curriculum that was implemented beginning with the 2014-15 school year. This program is a research-based program that promotes school success, school connectedness and a safe and respectful school climate by directly teaching students skills that strengthen their ability to learn, manage emotions, have empathy and solve problems. All lessons are aligned to the revised state standards for each grade level, allowing teachers to engage student in Second Step lessons while meeting Ohio's curriculum requirements.
Students participate in approximately one lesson per week throughout the school year. Skills taught in the lessons are reinforced building-wide within cross-curricular lessons, classroom meetings and individual, small group and whole class meetings with OHES guidance counselors, resulting in positive social, emotional and learning outcomes for all students.
A key piece in the success of this program is family support. By encouraging conversations with your child(ren) about lessons they have learned in the Second Step program, you help your student internalize program lessons and reinforce the application of skills taught in the program.
Our goal at OHES is to provide a healthy learning environment for all children by promoting positive social and emotional development in all children. By developing students' self-regulations skills, social-emotional competencies and school connectedness, the Second Step program prevents problem behaviors, antisocial behavior, peer rejection, low academic achievement and impulsivity.
Multi-Tiered System of Support
The Multi-Tiered System of Support Team (MTSS Team) is a school-based problem-solving group that meets regularly at each grade level. Grade level teacher will update the team on student progress and then present data on a small group of students that may benefit from intervention or update the committee on students previously discussed. When necessary, a plan will be established or adjusted to meet the needs of the students being discussed.
Student Success Teams
Student Success Teams are school based problem-solving groups whose purpose is to assist teachers with intervention strategies to deal with the educational and emotional needs of their students. Ottawa Hills Elementary School has a functioning team that meets to assist any teacher or parent who feels a student may need additional help beyond what the teacher is providing.